The event is about to listen to Rachid Niny ‘s agony the fact that this journalist has been imprisoned politically without giving any attention to national and international call to free him.
It seems that the Sollicitor’hall in l’Ocean in Rabat yesterday was so crowded with Moroccans coming from all sorts of intellect services and even the presence of simple peopl e ,which apparently gave charm to this meeting .This event was remarquable.When rachid spoke out, none had intervened and yet there were good journalists and artists such as Bziz and Ali Lamrabet ,whose hearts beat for Rachid to see him there throned with love and admiration, and praised benignly among free Moroccans who died for the sake of freedom.
Yet, as I was listening to Rachid’s speech keenly, I felt that our man was really exhausted , ignored and lonely especially the burden of another juridical case wakens for him nostalgia ,not the one he used to diffuse at 2M, but the one he feels inside. Niny is sad and obviously he is directly sending urgent messages to the state saying that the future of Morocco is in danger.

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