Written by Allal El Alaoui
Essafi‘s handy camera "Canon" type does not escape from his artistic fingers. Whenever he goes to discover beauty of his land, he stands still as a magician waiting for the moment to take snapshops.He is probably the one who has evaluated cinematic images through out professinal photographey in Morocco. Essafi Al Khammer's techniques are beyond reach.He just poses his eyes through his lenses and sees things that we don’t usually see. Our man is hunted by phenomenal spirits called moving and beautiful images. Essafi simply is a spiritual guy whose looks are similar to the eagle ones.
In 2006; at FIFM ceremony, Al Khammer was ironically paparazied everywhere by Moroccan actors and cinema-goers, because they just wanted to enjoy that magical snap of his camera ‘Canon’. He was one of the Pioneer to form an artictic team called "fun club" .This team will soon write a monography about Indian cinema spearhead by Allal El Alaoui, Razak and himself. Mister Thami Essafi Al khammer is a brilliant photographer and confirmed artist.

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