Saturday, 18 August 2012
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Allal El Alaoui on International Cinematic E-Magazine
Friday, 3 August 2012
An exlusive interview with Mustapha El Khalfi by Allal El Alaoui

Media, considered as the fourth power, is taken over for the first time in the Moroccan political history by an Islamic Political Party named as "PJD".
Obviously the scene in Morocco has been influenced by on going Intifadas already known as 'Arab Spring", is a candidate of fierce popular demonstrations that is continuously asphyxiating the actual government whose chief is Abdullah Benkiran, a controvercial and Islamic leader who has recently appointed Mustapha El Khaldi to spearhead Moroccan media and to be his government speaker.
From this context, the editor of the weblog's "Cinema and movies ", Allal El Alaoui already followed by readers around the globe nearly 149,418 page viewers, has gone to meet the minister of communication , Mustapha El Khalfi to talk about the future of media , freedom of speech and the state of national television including the promotion of cinema in Morocco.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
الوصية ل علال العلاوي - full movie-
The Will from Allal El Alaoui on Vimeo.

Abderrahim Cherrada publié surFatima Bassour
- 2 personnes aiment ça.
- Hamid BroudaneC'est vrai, dans ce court métrage, Fatima était admirable d'humanité et de sensibilité. Naturel, sans être naturaliste, son jeu est juste, émouvant, il touche le coeur du spectateur et lui offre la vision de son propre vide, de sa propre déchirure. Le réalisateur a su créer une ambiance énergique autour des acteurs pour qu'ils aient une communion intense avec le public. Bravo ! En regardant le film, j'ai eu une pensée pour mon ami ..
- Mohcin Ghillane et 4 autres personnes aiment ça.
- Pfirst Zen et 2 autres personnes aiment ça.
- Belaide Laalili Tahiya. Wikram khoti la3zaz basaha waraha filam lwasiyail y a 18 heures via mobile ·
il y a quelques secondesOussama HamamaHi Mr El Alaoui
I hope you're doing great, belate Ramadan Kareem.
By the way,it's me,the ex-intern at SNRT, we've met a couple times there .
It's such a pleasure to see your shining work "The Will",keep it rolling !
maybe someday you'll be nominated for The Oscars or a huge award.- il y a 11 heuresHamid Boughalem
شكرا لك فيلم الوصية من اروع الافلام القصيرة التي شاهدتها في حياتي اخراج رائع تصور اروع تقنيات عالية تشويق مؤثرات كل شيئ كل شيئ ينم >لك على قوة مخرج فنان رائع و فريق عمل رائع ايضا مرحبا بك في طاطا من اجل المهرجان و ك>لك من اجل تصوير افلامك المقبلة
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